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The value you get from EntryPoint and other online courses

Note that this article was written specifically for EntryPoint - but concepts can be applied to any course.

How to utilize it effectively, and get the most out of your time, energy, and focus.

Alex Hormozi assessed value as a combination of the outcome, chance of achievement, time delay, and effort/sacrifice. This article will discuss the value of EntryPoint from the stance of each of these aspects, and go into detail about what approach you can take to maximize the value.

The dream outcome.

EntryPoint's dream outcome is slightly different from other programming courses. The dream outcome of EntryPoint is not just learning programming. The dream outcome of Entrypoint is transforming you into a programmer. In addition to knowing how to program in one language, we want to equip you with the tools and knowledge to pick up other languages and technologies without a problem. EntryPoint is not meant to be the end-all-be-all of your programming journey, and although our extension courses are lovely, they are not meant to be a restraint for what you can learn after the course either. Mastery of the content in EntryPoint will make you ready to take on any programming adventure.

The chance of achievement

As of developing EntryPoint, we are not confirmed to be in the Matrix, nor has neuralink come to the point where we can download knowledge. Because of this, any course that offers knowledge will require application in order for it to sement itself.

The chance of achievement will mainly come down to 2 things:

  1. How good the course is, and if it considers scientific learning research when structured.
  2. How motivated the student is, and if they are following the course as intended.

Luckily, EntryPoint helps you with both. The course is designed around scientifically proven principles of learning. It's made in a way that lets you apply your knowledge instantly. And the tasks and challenges are designed specifically to boost motivation.

The time delay & Effort/sacrifice

Sadly, there's no instant fix for knowledge. However, there are ways to maximize the use of your time, in order to learn as fast as you can.

As discussed in [THIS] article, the best way to gain new knowledge is not through absorbing it, but through the application of knowledge. Being told a concept is required for you to use it, but actually using the concept is what makes it stick. EntryPoint has the highest concentration of knowledge of any programming course by far, cut into small pieces.

Using the natural cuts to our advantage to try out concepts after we learn about them will help you understand and learn the principles effectively. This gives you the chance to make small but consistent steps toward your goal.

However, if you want to maximize your efficiency, and minimize the required effort and time, you might want to extend your steps of learning. Because your goal to learn is to apply concepts as much as possible, sitting down for 15min to absorb some new concepts and then using 30-60min programming to apply all the concepts you've learned will let you maximize the time spent with the application of knowledge. This way you can learn multiple concepts at the same time, by using them while creating programs.

Make sure that you are biting off reasonable chunks when deciding how much of the course you're taking on at the time. As mentioned [IN THIS ARTICLE], too high failure rates when practicing is bad for learning.